The report by NatWest has warned that scammers will also try to cash in on those tying the knot this year on the back of the Royal wedding.
Bogus Brexit investments, malicious software on smartphones and social media spying are among eight scams people need to watch out for in 2018, research from a major bank suggests.
NatWest has looked to identify some of the key ways in which fraudsters could try to con people this year, as it urges consumers to be aware of the potential traps.
The bank has worked with research agency the Future Laboratory to analyse scams trends from the last 18 months and predict eight emerging frauds in 2018.
The report also warned that, as the excitement builds around Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding, scammers will try to rip off couples who are also planning to wed with fake websites.Home buyers are also being warned to watch out for bogus emails purporting to be from those dealing with their purchase.
Julie McArdle, NatWest security manager said: "Scammers are dogged in their attempts to get their hands on people's money and are always looking for new ways to get ahead. This means banks and customers need to evolve alongside scammers too.
"By being aware and staying ahead of scammers, we can stop them winning and keep the country's money safe and secure."
To help thwart scammers, NatWest said people should feel confident about turning down unsolicited requests for personal information.It said if something feels wrong then it is usually right to pause and question it.
It said people should follow their bank's security advice and never provide remote access to their device when asked to do so following a cold call.
They should also be cautious about what information they provide on social media.
People should also make sure their mobiles have the latest security upgrades, NatWest said.
A bank will never ask a customer to transfer money for fraud reasons or contact them out of the blue to ask for their Pin or full password.
8 frauds to watch for in 2018
1. Social media spying
People might not realise how much information they are giving away, but to a fraudster the posts can be very helpful in setting up a scam.
Protect yourself from social media scams
When registering, think twice about the information you're sharing. If possible, aim for a user name or handle that doesn't directly identify you.
Check the site’s privacy rules and security policies before you join, and create a strong password. Check your security settings frequently to make sure you aren't caught out by updates.
Once you’ve joined a site, only connect with people you know and trust, and remember that thieves may impersonate friends and family members to get your data.
Follow basic rules of computer security. Install a firewall and antivirus software and keep those up to date.
2. Malicious software on smartphones
It is expected that malware or malicious software threats will grow among mobile devices.
How to spot a suspicious text message
You should be suspicious of clicking any link in a text that asks you to 'verify' or update your account details.
If you're suspicious of a text message asking you to get in touch with your bank, only call a number that you know is genuine (such as the one on the back of your card).
Remember that a genuine text or call from your bank will never ask you to transfer money from your own account to a new one for ‘fraud reasons’, or ask you for your four digit pin.
3. Bogus Brexit investments
Consumers should be wary of fake investment opportunities. For example, scammers may email customers, warning Brexit will affect their savings, and that they urgently need to move them into a seemingly plausible, but actually fake, investment product.
4. Fraudsters preying on World Cup excitement
Some fraudsters will sell football tickets that are either fake or will never arrive. It is also expected that "package trips" will be offered by fake travel companies.
Spot a social media scam
Be skeptical. Just because you see it on your feed doesn’t necessarily mean it is true. Someone may have fallen for it already.
Always check the link before clicking. You can do that by either hovering over the link or looking directly below the link itself on the Facebook post, which shows the referring website’s URL.
Be very suspicious when there is a call to action before being able to view the content. Actions such as having to share the media before viewing or take a survey are all huge red flags.
5. Money mules
Mule recruiters may trawl social media for potential targets, particularly cash-strapped students in university towns, and use them to inadvertently launder money.
Money mules receive the stolen funds into their account, they are then asked to withdraw it and send the money to a different account, often one overseas, keeping some of the money for themselves.Money mules and the risks
No legitimate company will ever ask you to use your own bank account to transfer their money. Don’t accept any job offers that ask you to do this.
Be especially wary of job offers from people or companies overseas as it will be harder for you to find out if they really are legitimate.
Never give your financial details to someone you don’t know and trust.
6. Scams aimed at first-time buyers
Computer hackers monitor emails sent by a solicitor to a first-time buyer and then they pounce, pretending to be the solicitor and telling them the solicitors' bank account details have changed in order to steal cash.
Emails to be wary of
Spelling mistakes are a common tell-tale sign of a fraudulent email.
Be aware of any emails and pop-up windows asking you to click on a link or provide personal information directly in response.
A genuine email will only ever address you by your full name at the beginning – anything that starts ‘Dear customer’ should immediately raise your suspicions.
Do not reply, click on links or open any attachments that arrive with the email.
7. Romance scams
Criminals create fake profiles to form a relationship with their victims. They use messaging to mine victims' personal details to use for identity fraud. Or, just when the victim thinks they have met the perfect partner the scammer asks them for money.
Dating scams - the warning signs
They prefer to move communications away from dating websites. They may suggest that you move to instant messaging, text or phone calls instead.
They ask a lot personal questions about you and avoid talking about themselves.
They ask for financial help. They may also tell you about money problems in the hope that you’ll offer to help.
You never meet them in person. They may promise to want to see you, but offer excuses which delay this, like financial troubles.
8. Wedding excitement
Experts fear couples could be easy prey for scammers who tempt victims with extravagant offers at bargain prices. Scammers can set up fake websites for elements of the big day like venue hire, catering, or wedding dresses that appear very realistic. Fake wedding planners will take people's money and then disappear.
More scams to watch for
Having your personal information stolen can be very distressing
The UK lost £2 million a day last year as a result of fraud, according to official Financial Fraud Action UK figures.
To help people protect themselves, here are top tips from Action Fraud, Get Safe, NordVPN and Norton Antivirus to keep you safe:
Cold calls
Don’t assume anyone who has called your phone or left you a voicemail message is who they say they are.
If a phone call or voicemail offers you a deal, asks you to make a payment or log-in to an online account, be cautious.
If you call back, try to use a different line as some scammers keep the line open on their side to trick you.
If in doubt, check it’s genuine by asking the company it claims to be yourself. Never call numbers or follow links provided in suspicious emails; find the official website or customer support number using a separate browser.
Dodgy websites
Get protected: Before you start shopping online, secure your device with anti-virus software or a firewall. This will help block out pop-ups and hackers.
Check the URL: Only use secure websites for purchases, never buy anything from a site that does not have ‘https’ at the start of the URL and also look for the icon of a locked padlock at the bottom of the screen.
Is the deal too good to be true? Don’t be seduced by “bargains” from companies which you don’t know, if something appears too good to be true, it probably is.
Only shop with companies you know and trust: Watch out for fake websites. You can tell by checking the URL of the website, it may have a different spelling or a different domain name that ends in .net or .org.
Shop from home: Using public WiFi hotspots such as those offered by coffee shops and libraries could leave you vulnerable. If it won’t wait until you get home use your own 3G/4G network.

NatWest has looked to identify some of the key ways in which fraudsters could try to con people this year, as it urges consumers to be aware of the potential traps.
The bank has worked with research agency the Future Laboratory to analyse scams trends from the last 18 months and predict eight emerging frauds in 2018.
The report also warned that, as the excitement builds around Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding, scammers will try to rip off couples who are also planning to wed with fake websites.Home buyers are also being warned to watch out for bogus emails purporting to be from those dealing with their purchase.
Julie McArdle, NatWest security manager said: "Scammers are dogged in their attempts to get their hands on people's money and are always looking for new ways to get ahead. This means banks and customers need to evolve alongside scammers too.
"By being aware and staying ahead of scammers, we can stop them winning and keep the country's money safe and secure."
To help thwart scammers, NatWest said people should feel confident about turning down unsolicited requests for personal information.It said if something feels wrong then it is usually right to pause and question it.
It said people should follow their bank's security advice and never provide remote access to their device when asked to do so following a cold call.
They should also be cautious about what information they provide on social media.
People should also make sure their mobiles have the latest security upgrades, NatWest said.
A bank will never ask a customer to transfer money for fraud reasons or contact them out of the blue to ask for their Pin or full password.
8 frauds to watch for in 2018
1. Social media spying
People might not realise how much information they are giving away, but to a fraudster the posts can be very helpful in setting up a scam.
Protect yourself from social media scams
When registering, think twice about the information you're sharing. If possible, aim for a user name or handle that doesn't directly identify you.
Check the site’s privacy rules and security policies before you join, and create a strong password. Check your security settings frequently to make sure you aren't caught out by updates.
Once you’ve joined a site, only connect with people you know and trust, and remember that thieves may impersonate friends and family members to get your data.
Follow basic rules of computer security. Install a firewall and antivirus software and keep those up to date.
2. Malicious software on smartphones
It is expected that malware or malicious software threats will grow among mobile devices.
How to spot a suspicious text message
You should be suspicious of clicking any link in a text that asks you to 'verify' or update your account details.
If you're suspicious of a text message asking you to get in touch with your bank, only call a number that you know is genuine (such as the one on the back of your card).
Remember that a genuine text or call from your bank will never ask you to transfer money from your own account to a new one for ‘fraud reasons’, or ask you for your four digit pin.
3. Bogus Brexit investments
Consumers should be wary of fake investment opportunities. For example, scammers may email customers, warning Brexit will affect their savings, and that they urgently need to move them into a seemingly plausible, but actually fake, investment product.
4. Fraudsters preying on World Cup excitement
Some fraudsters will sell football tickets that are either fake or will never arrive. It is also expected that "package trips" will be offered by fake travel companies.
Spot a social media scam
Be skeptical. Just because you see it on your feed doesn’t necessarily mean it is true. Someone may have fallen for it already.
Always check the link before clicking. You can do that by either hovering over the link or looking directly below the link itself on the Facebook post, which shows the referring website’s URL.
Be very suspicious when there is a call to action before being able to view the content. Actions such as having to share the media before viewing or take a survey are all huge red flags.
5. Money mules
Mule recruiters may trawl social media for potential targets, particularly cash-strapped students in university towns, and use them to inadvertently launder money.
Money mules receive the stolen funds into their account, they are then asked to withdraw it and send the money to a different account, often one overseas, keeping some of the money for themselves.Money mules and the risks
No legitimate company will ever ask you to use your own bank account to transfer their money. Don’t accept any job offers that ask you to do this.
Be especially wary of job offers from people or companies overseas as it will be harder for you to find out if they really are legitimate.
Never give your financial details to someone you don’t know and trust.
6. Scams aimed at first-time buyers
Computer hackers monitor emails sent by a solicitor to a first-time buyer and then they pounce, pretending to be the solicitor and telling them the solicitors' bank account details have changed in order to steal cash.
Emails to be wary of
Spelling mistakes are a common tell-tale sign of a fraudulent email.
Be aware of any emails and pop-up windows asking you to click on a link or provide personal information directly in response.
A genuine email will only ever address you by your full name at the beginning – anything that starts ‘Dear customer’ should immediately raise your suspicions.
Do not reply, click on links or open any attachments that arrive with the email.
7. Romance scams
Criminals create fake profiles to form a relationship with their victims. They use messaging to mine victims' personal details to use for identity fraud. Or, just when the victim thinks they have met the perfect partner the scammer asks them for money.
Dating scams - the warning signs
They prefer to move communications away from dating websites. They may suggest that you move to instant messaging, text or phone calls instead.
They ask a lot personal questions about you and avoid talking about themselves.
They ask for financial help. They may also tell you about money problems in the hope that you’ll offer to help.
You never meet them in person. They may promise to want to see you, but offer excuses which delay this, like financial troubles.
8. Wedding excitement
Experts fear couples could be easy prey for scammers who tempt victims with extravagant offers at bargain prices. Scammers can set up fake websites for elements of the big day like venue hire, catering, or wedding dresses that appear very realistic. Fake wedding planners will take people's money and then disappear.
More scams to watch for
Having your personal information stolen can be very distressing
The UK lost £2 million a day last year as a result of fraud, according to official Financial Fraud Action UK figures.
To help people protect themselves, here are top tips from Action Fraud, Get Safe, NordVPN and Norton Antivirus to keep you safe:
Cold calls
Don’t assume anyone who has called your phone or left you a voicemail message is who they say they are.
If a phone call or voicemail offers you a deal, asks you to make a payment or log-in to an online account, be cautious.
If you call back, try to use a different line as some scammers keep the line open on their side to trick you.
If in doubt, check it’s genuine by asking the company it claims to be yourself. Never call numbers or follow links provided in suspicious emails; find the official website or customer support number using a separate browser.
Dodgy websites
Get protected: Before you start shopping online, secure your device with anti-virus software or a firewall. This will help block out pop-ups and hackers.
Check the URL: Only use secure websites for purchases, never buy anything from a site that does not have ‘https’ at the start of the URL and also look for the icon of a locked padlock at the bottom of the screen.
Is the deal too good to be true? Don’t be seduced by “bargains” from companies which you don’t know, if something appears too good to be true, it probably is.
Only shop with companies you know and trust: Watch out for fake websites. You can tell by checking the URL of the website, it may have a different spelling or a different domain name that ends in .net or .org.
Shop from home: Using public WiFi hotspots such as those offered by coffee shops and libraries could leave you vulnerable. If it won’t wait until you get home use your own 3G/4G network.
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