The average person throws out more than half a loaf of bread every month and three-quarters of all bread that is binned has simply not been used in time, Love Food Hate Waste said.
A survey of UK consumers aged between 18 and 34 found 69% throw bread away every week and 26% know they can make toast straight from frozen bread but do not do it.More than half of people (56%) eat bread at least four days a week, the poll found, and 31% eat it every day.
About three in five (61%) of those surveyed, when told that it takes a year to produce bread from field to fork, said they would be more likely to freeze it to reduce waste.Sarah Clayton, from Love Food Hate Waste, said: "We can all do our bit to bin less bread by popping it in the freezer to keep it for much longer, and you can even use bread straight from the freezer to make toast without needing to defrost it first."7 way to eat well for less
How can you cut costs and still eat well - and not spend your life in the kitchen as a result?
These are our 7 top tips:
Frozen - In most cases frozen food has more or less exactly the same nutrients as fresh - but for less money. More than that, frozen chopped veg can be used as you need without fear it will go off. And you can freeze a lot more than you might think .
Tinned - Tinned food has almost all the advantages of frozen food, but doesn't need to be kept in the freezer. But be careful on the taste before you buy big .
Bulk - If you have the space, bulk-buying foods that don't go off can save serious cash. Think flour, rice, lentils, pasta, porridge and more.
Ugly - the shape of a vegetable in no way impacts its tastiness or nutritional value. But people are less likely to buy it none the less. The good news is ASDA and Morrisions both sell veg-boxes of "ugly' food for less.
Plan - If you don’t plan your meals then it’s much easier to slide back into unhealthy eating. It also means you buy what you need, and don't waste cash on fresh food that might go off. And don't forget to include lunches too .
Flavour - Spices, herbs, chili, garlic and more are cheap, and can transform even a bowl of lentils into something that make your mouth water. The NHS has a good list of healthy, easy meals , or get some inspiration from Jack Monroe .
Time and place - You can get great deals when buying some foods online, while fresh foods that are in season locally are often cheaper. And remember, discounted items that are at their sell-buy date can frequently be frozen at home - so yellow sticker bargains should not be ignored.
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