Real Reason You Must Stop Masturbation Now Or Regret You Never Heed To This Advice

Masturbation is basically rubbing or stimulating your vagina, clitoris, penis or any other sensitive part of your body to achieve sexual arousal and pleasure, usually to the point of ejaculating "coming" (sexual climax), usually with the hands, fingers, sex toys etc.
Porn on the other hand is called "adult entertainment movies" but there is nothing entertaining about it. Porn is a demonic movie, no normal human being must entertain it . In a research, 97% of males and 89% of females reported that they have watched porn and masturbated before. 90% and 78% out of the 97% and 89% respectively are still addicted to porn and masturbation. Porn and Masturbation is very dangerous, below are some few physical and spiritual reasons why you must *STOP it and STOP it now*.

πŸ’€ Watching porn and masturbating is committing spiritual adultery and formication with the porn stars. That's why you usually have sex in your dreams. If you watch porn and masturbate you have a spiritual wife or husband, you might even have spiritual children if you've practice it for long.
πŸ’€ Porn and Masturbation is addictive and very hard to quit because there are demons or an evil spirits behind it.
πŸ’€ Porn and Masturbation could cause erectile dysfunction in men and women may never find sex satisfying anymore.
πŸ’€ Porn and Masturbation will lead you to commit formication, rape, incest, adultery, homosexuality or lesbianism. It can even make you sleep with animals.
πŸ’€ Porn leads you to lust and sexual perversion. It will make you cheap, any stupid person at all can have sex with you.
πŸ’€ Anytime you watch porn and masturbate it weakens your prayer life and devotions. It draws you away from God.
πŸ’€ Anytime you watch or download porn you use your money to further a wicked industry (illuminate) which is leading millions to hell. Meaning you are using your money to make the illuminate rich.
πŸ’€ You destroy God’s temple,and unless you repent God will destroy you. You are watching a product of people whom Satan has destroyed. Many people involved in shooting porn pictures or videos are either drugged, sexually abused/exploited, or forced to do so. You should sympathize with them and vow never to watch it again.
πŸ’€ Porn is done under influence of demons of sexual immorality. They enter and control you when you start watching it. Porn opens a door for the enemy to attack you together with your family.
πŸ’€ If you watch porn or masturbate or do both, you must stop it now, don't postponed it. Porn and masturbation is very dangerous. If you are married it will surely break your marriage. If you are not married don't say that you will stop when you marry, watching porn does not go away once you marry, it will wickedly control you till the end.

Quitting porn and masturbation is very hard as most of the time it involves demons and evil spirits controlling you. This spirits will never allow you to quit because its like divorcing someone you are married to who is not ready to be ddivorce.
