Award winning author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, took to her Facebook page this morning to celebrate her father who turns 86 today March 1st. In her post, Ngozi thanked her Dad for teaching her so many of life's values just by living them.
Professor Emeritus James Nwoye Adichie
“Odelora Abba”
Born in Abba, Anambra state, on March 1, 1932.
“Odelora Abba”
Born in Abba, Anambra state, on March 1, 1932.
I thank you
For teaching me integrity by example.
For your simple sense of contentment in life, which always put in perspective what truly matters.
For your many stories, which created for me a sense of my history, a firm sense of myself.
For your solid, calm steadiness.
For always believing that I could.
For your humour, for all the family meals enshrined in laughter.
For your wisdom, your Igbo proverbs, your lucid eye.
For your kindness, so sparkling, so true.
I could not be more grateful for the gift that you are in my life.
For the gift that you are to all six of us, your children.
Uwa m uwa ozo, I ga-abu nna m.
Happy 86th Birthday. God Keep You.

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