What Are The Biggest Career Mistakes To Avoid?

I have worked in 4 different offices including those from startups to the biggest corporate organizations in the country. I believe that you should avoid the following mistakes:

1) Expecting that everything will be fair in your organisation. It
won't be fair and you’ll have to accept that. There will be.
people who have no actual skills and they will still be on top.

2) Thinking that your colleagues and friends are real friends or.
more like family. They will forget about you the day after you.
leave the organisation. We are a big family is one BIG lie.

3) Don't ever think that you can't be replaced. Everybody is
replaceable but it's just about how hard are you to replace.
and how much it's going to cost them.

4) Relaxing and thinking that you are settled for life when you
land on one good job. Trust me, you will be fired the day the.
organisation is in crisis. Think about yourself and start.
working on increasing your skills.

5) Depending too much on your organization will make you.
weak and your bargaining power will decrease.

6) Not meeting people outside of the organisation. There is a
big world outside your office and they have so much to offer.
At least meet a few new people every month, staying open to.
new ideas and proposals

7) Not working to improve yourself and demanding more at the
office just because you have worked for a certain number of years there.
Finally, not believing in yourself is the worst mistake you will
ever make. You are capable of doing anything. Please BELIEVE that.
Source: Quora.com
Article was written by Pravin Adhikari.
Hope you found it interesting just like i did
