US Government Forces Genetically Modified Food on Africa
(Sputnik International)It is said that one’s life starts at their old age, but presently, people die not to see their gray hair.
Urban Migration.
With the influx of population from rural to urban area, increase in migration (foreign), and population doubling over the past century; the economy not only bears a heavy burden, but the demand of food has doubled over time; unfortunately, supply quakes at the huge number of mouth to feed, thus, the need for a strategic solution.
In the past, people outlive their years on the face of the earth, especially, the rural dwellers. Those in the urban area face the hustle and bustle of the city, but presently the city is faced with over population, having too many mouths to feed. A lot has been done to curb the huge increase in population, but religious and cultural inhibition hampers these attempts, but on the other hand, what brought about the need to control the population of a people who nevertheless had no need to do so, if not for personal benefits.
Environmental Hazards.
The world was faced by a problem of sustainability, not forgetting the fact that the world wars and civil wars shamed man’s inability to help himself. Not to talk of the event of climate change and thedepletion of the ozone layer, crowds the thoughts of game changers. It was in dear need to find alasting solution to hunger, help farmers, and lend a helping hand to ‘underdeveloped’, ‘developing’, and the highly perceived to be developed world-leading-nations. As a result, the birth of the irony that would end hunger for good and put it in its rightful place, thus, the birth of genetically modified foods.
Genetically Modified Foods.
The thought of nature was that one fruit owe it to the rest of the world to carry seedlings for sustainability. In other word, each fruit holds a high responsibility, not only to itself, but to mankind. In reverse, the cacophony of those that see themselves as saviours modified theirs and made sure that it was seedless –lifeless.
There is more to this business than meets the eye. There is an influx of such seeds in Africa; among African farmers who they have brainwashed through the government that, what they brought would be highly needed in a country that formerly stored its seeds for next farming or planting season with traditional methods of storing seeds. It has turned into a charade of tongue twisters and deceit, and these uninformed farmers have turned into agents of death instead of life.
Genetically modified food industries are now multi-billion corporations that even fund researchesand businesses; some of their farms are hosted in Africa, where they know that the climate is highly favourable and the land, fertile. How else can one have fruits and food that were not supposed to be in season, sitting comfortably on their dining table, on shelves, in grocery stores or fridges? It is a feast of death. These foods and fruits have been proven beyond every reasonable doubt to bepoisonous to the body, but they lie comfortably on the shelves of grocery stores, not only in developed countries but in Africa. This tells a lot about the governing bodies who pretend to care but have overlooked the health implications of what their boarders allow.
Health Hazards.
In Africa presently, the death rate has increased: children under twelve suffer cancer and all manner of diseases. Adults between the ages of twenty to thirty are diabetic, while those in the forties and sixties go around with blood pressure medication. This is not African; this is the selfishinvestment of those that put money first, before human lives. It is no wonder that one find people in their hundreds in the rural area, because they cultivate what they eat, and they are non-conformist some changes.
The extravaganza of canned or tin food, processed food, and imported food has brought the health benefits of living in Africa to its knees. Like mentioned in, the last article, adults and children suffer obesity due to the intake of over processed food. Restaurants and fast foods thrive in Africa like no other place, because parents are too busy to cook for their children, and in turn rely on fast food for their daily meal.
Africa is indebted to protect itself from being used as an end to a means by money hungry leadersand their money changers. There is need to put an end to using this space as a dumping ground for GMOs and processed food. It is high time a call to action was put in place, this action will go a long way to preserve many things: her children, her land, her society and her norms and values.
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